A Fan ID is a document that may be required to enter the stadiums with your ticket or even enter the country. FIFA has a short history of helping fans (that possess match tickets) receive a free visa to enter the host country for the MEN’S tournaments and only recently has that evolved into a secondary ID that is used to enter matches.
We have NOT seen that for the WOMEN’S tournaments quite yet.
The last couple of men’s tournaments saw a Fan ID provide the ability to:
- Enter matches in combination with a game ticket
- Travel for free on local transport on game days
- Enter to the host country (i.e. it became a special visa for the World Cup)
The Fan ID was first introduced in Russia 2018 and used again in Qatar 2022, though, Brazil 2014 did have a “World Cup” visa that allowed fans with match tickets to enter Brazil for free.
Quick Reference
- Will a Fan ID be used for 2026 USA / Canada / Mexico?
- Recent Tournaments
- How do I obtain a Fan ID?
- Do I need a Fan ID to Enter the Stadiums?
- Why Does a Fan ID Exist?
- Stay Up to Date With New Info
Will a Fan ID be used for 2026 USA / Canada / Mexico?
It has not been announced yet how visas will be handled as there are 3 hosts with 3 different government entry requirements for passage across their borders. Because of this, we anticipate seeing another Fan ID version being deployed to assist with free passage into and between countries, but this is a complete guess and personal opinion.
It was also part of the original bid requirements (not that this means anything as FIFA can change their minds on a whim) to include free transportation to stadiums for match ticket holders which leads credence to seeing this again in 2026.
More recently, The Athletic raised concerns over visa processing times, recommending fans to apply as early as possibly. We summarized this article and updates here.
Recent Tournaments
Was a Fan ID be used for 2023 Australia & New Zealand?
As we mentioned above, it does not seem like one is required for the Women’s tournaments yet.
If one is not used, you’ll want to do your own research on visas & passports for Australia and New Zealand as that may be your only travel documents needed.
Was a Fan ID used for 2022 Qatar
Qatar 2022 was a unique case given their government setup. While it wasn’t called a Fan ID and instead a Hayya Card, it essentially served the same purpose. One massive difference in Qatar was no one could enter the country without a proper Hayya Card and you needed proof of ticket and lodging to receive approval. More details on how Qatar operated can be found below.
How do I obtain a Fan ID?
In order to obtain a Fan ID, you need to have successfully been allocated an official match ticket from FIFA.
You can review how Qatar handled their Fan IDs, called Hayya Card, but each tournament will have its own policies.
You’ll of course also want to research visa requirements, per usual, before departing to a foreign country.
Do I need a Fan ID to Enter the Stadiums?
If the tournament utilizes Fan IDs, then yes, you do. During entry to the stadium’s grounds, you will first scan your Fan ID and then scan your ticket. Qatar 2022 security had handheld scanners that popped up the image of the card holder.
Again, 2023 did not apply to this.
Why Does a Fan ID Exist?
One major reason is to crack down on the secondary market for ticket sales. By requiring the document and making it so you can only obtain it from the approved FIFA site, it makes it much harder for people to take advantage of others in reselling tickets. It doesn’t make it impossible though so always be on your guard when buying from someone other than FIFA!
Another big reason is to control people entering and leaving the country. The host country receives a surge in tourism (obviously) for the World Cup and this document helps control some of this migration back and forth. To that degree, it also simplifies the visa entry process for many visitors!
Do I need 1 FAN ID for each ticket or 1 FAN ID overall?
Each ticket holder needs to own one Fan ID. The name “Fan ID” implies this but hey, some of you send in questions asking so stating it very deliberately here. Starting in 2022, FIFA moved to mobile tickets so it will be the responsibility of the main applicant to assign tickets to their “guests” to allow those guests to apply.
Unofficially – can I use ANY Fan ID to enter a game?
This is your action to own at your own risk. As we mention above, Qatar 2022 security scanners provided personnel with a preview of each Fan ID with name and image to see if it matched tickets. Did they turn anyone away that borrowed credentials? No idea. What happens if your Fan ID is borrowed? Not sure but do you want to find out firsthand?
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