Source Article: https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/qatar-says-only-vaccinated-fans-allowed-world-cup-2022-2021-06-21/
In news that is likely not surprising but may cause controversy, Qatar is requiring all fans for the 2022 World Cup to be vaccinated for COVID-19.
To accommodate fans that may not have access to the vaccine, Qatar will assist in administering the shots. The country is in talks to receive 1 millions doses and plans to refuse entry to any game for fans without vaccination. However, the logistics of the effort are unknown at this time. As the world adjusts to international travel, regulations are ever-changing and will vary by country. It is too early to know for sure how this news will affect travel to watch the world’s biggest sporting spectacle but we’ll certainly be keeping an eye on it.
Read the source article for more details.
No word yet on how this will incorporate into a Fan ID.